10:00 - 6:00

Mon - Fri

& Sat

10:00 - 5:00

+91 7039979232

For Appointment


Excessive growth of male breasts can have several reasons.

Witnessing it feels disturbing and occurs a feeling of awkwardness.

People who are going through Gynecomastia often impair self-confidence and are anxious to exhibit themselves in public.


What is Gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia is an amalgamation of the excess tissues in the male breast which occur due to the growth of the mammary gland. These tissues develop a mass beneath the breasts which are firmer and more fibrous than the surrounding tissue. The root cause behind Gynecomastia is hormonal imbalance.

What is Pseudogynecomastia?

Pseudogynecomastia is excess fat tissue all around the areola (nipples). It is false gynecomastia that enlarges the male boobs. The core reason behind the boobs enlargement is fat deposition. Hence, obese people are more likely to develop Pseudogynecomastia.

Procedure of Gynecomastia

  • Initially, discussing plans with the patients and marking will be made on the area of surgery. A combined decision will be made before the surgery.
  • Photographs will be taken of the specific area (patient’s identity will be not revealed)
  • As per the patient’s comfort local anesthesia with intravenous sedation or general anesthesia will be given. Subsequently, antibiotics will be given for a smooth procedure, and to reduce pain & anxiety.
  • Incision will be made around the breast depending on the surgery recommended by Dr. Umang Kothari
  • Liposuction is executed in the male chest which will eliminate extra fat from mammary gland
  • Dissolvable sutures will be made to close the incision

Benefits of Gynecomastia / Laser Liposuction

  • Enhances self-confidence
  • Enables you to wear better-fitted clothes
  • Increases ability to participate in more physical activities
  • More likely to go shirtless
  • Relives you from social stigma

Recovery from Gynecomastia

  • Wear compression garments
  • Avoid alcohol and smoking for 14 days
  • Stay hydrated daily
  • Itchiness sensation are common, avoid scratching on the area
  • Limit any sensitive activity until you are fully cleared

Get in touch with board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Umang Khotari who has mastered this technique which saves the patients from scars. He uses effective technique for surgery where no visible signs will be seen after the surgery.

The Hair and Shape Clinic will be with the patient and assist him from surgery to recovery.

Disclaimer: Patients visible results and recovery time may vary from person to person.