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Breast Reduction

What is Breast Reduction?

Breast reduction is a process where the breast tissue, skin, and fats are reduced from the breast. This operation is often recommended by females those experience these symptoms such as back pain, recurrent, fungal infection below breast, itching, bra strap grooves on shoulder. In medical terms, it is known as reduction Mammoplasty.

Females suffering from this issue experience poor physical appearance that could lead to lower confidence. This type of condition can be amended with the aid of a Mammoplasty operation.


Procedure for Breast Reduction

Breast reduction is determined by various factors such as breast composition, patient condition, reduction amount, and surgeon’s advice. Here are the things which are done for breast reduction.

  • Initially, discussing plans with the patients and marking will be made on the area of surgery. A combined decision will be made before the surgery.
  • Photographs will be taken of the specific area (patient’s identity will be not revealed)
  • As per the patient’s comfort Anesthesia will be given. Subsequently, antibiotics will be given for a smooth procedure, and to reduce pain & anxiety.
  • The incision is made as per marking
  • The underlying breast tissue is reduced, lifted, and shaped. The tissue is being removed and repositioned.
  • Sutures are made to create a support to newly shaped breasts.
  • Final scar is around areola and vertically going down.

What can you expect from Breast Reduction?

Breast Reduction can do many good things for a female which will alter her breast to appear attractive and make her more look more confident. Here are the things which you can expect from Breast Reduction:

  • Enhance outline of your breasts
  • Make your breast size normal and equal
  • Rid of back and neck pain
  • Make you look attractive
  • Increase self-esteem

Recovery After Breast Reduction

Once the breast reduction surgery has been successfully executed by Dr. Umang Kothari then, you need to take care of the following things:

  • Initially, you will feel discomfort, swelling, and bruising for few days. But, you can do daily activities and go for a walk.
  • Wear compression bra for 1 month
  • Ensure to take pain medication on time
  • Avoid lifting heavy items
  • After few months your breast will settle down to the final position

The whole breast reduction process consumes time from the surgery to recovery. Dr. Umang Khotari a board-certified surgeon has mastered this operation. His fabulous work has made the patient feel comfortable and recovered hassle-freely.

The Hair and Shape Clinic will be with the patient and assist him/her from surgery to recovery.

Disclaimer: Patients visible results and recovery time may vary from person to person.