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Eyelid Surgery

What is Eyelid Surgery?

Eyelid surgery is a process to enhance the appearance of eyelids. surgery can be executed on lower and upper lips or on both. This surgery is also known as blepharoplasty.

Eyelid surgery can treat sagging skin, fatty deposits, wrinkles, and so on. The surgery can rejuvenate the area beside your eyes.


Procedure for Eyelid Surgery

Dr. Umang Khotari uses effective techniques while doing surgery. Here are the steps of a procedure for eyelid surgery

  • Initially, discussing plans with the patients and marking will be made on the area of surgery. A combined decision will be made before the surgery.
  • Photographs will be taken of the specific area (patient’s identity will be not revealed)
  • As per the patient’s comfort Anesthesia will be given. Subsequently, antibiotics will be given for a smooth procedure, and to reduce pain & anxiety.
  • The incision will be made on the upper and lower eyelids based on your choice of surgery
  • Removal of excess skin or fat bags, reposition fat and tighten muscles
  • Eventually, the incision will be closed with small sutures

Benefits of Eyelid Surgery

  • You will get a younger shape above the eyes
  • Boost confidence
  • Enhances the field of vision
  • Improvement with minimal scarring

Recovery of Eyelid Surgery

  • Use medicated eye drops as prescribed
  • Elevate your head using two pillow when you lie down
  • Use cold compresses to reduce swelling
  • Avoid vigorous physical activity

Doing eyelid surgery from Dr. Umang Kothari reduces the risk happens in eyelid surgery because he is actively involved in innovative techniques to resolve complex medical issues. He also strives to provide the best clinical outcome at affordable rates.

The Hair and Shape Clinic will be with the patient and assist him/her from surgery to recovery.

Disclaimer: Patients visible results and recovery time may vary from person to person.