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10:00 - 5:00

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Arm Lift

What is Arm Lift?

An arm lift is also known as Brachioplasty, it is a cosmetic surgery that treats sagging arms by reducing extra skin.

Aging and genetics both play a crucial role in the development of drooping skin. Arm Lift can make your upper arms look more toned and defined.


Procedure for Arm Lift

An arm lift procedure has the following steps:

  • Initially, discussing plans with the patients and marking will be made on the area of surgery. A combined decision will be made before the surgery.
  • Photographs will be taken of the specific area (patient’s identity will be not revealed)
  • As per the patient’s comfort local anesthesia with intravenous sedation or general anesthesia will be given. Subsequently, antibiotics and other medicines will be given for a smooth procedure, and to reduce pain & anxiety.
  • Dr. Umang Khotari will decide the length and pattern of your arm lift. Under this procedure, there are two types of incision Inner arm incision and Minimal incision
  • The incision will be closed with sutures which will be removed within 7 to 14 days
  • You will witness the results smoother and tighter of your arm lift.

Benefits from Arm Lift

  1. Arms will look younger and toned
  2. Excess fat will be removed
  3. It will look less droopy
  4. Enhances arm contours

Recovery of Arm Lift

  1. You can resume activities on the next day
  2. Walking and running can be resumed after 7 days
  3. Weight training can be done after 20 to 25 days
  4. After 2-3 months you can see the results.

Dr. Umang Khotari is a board-certified plastic surgeon. He has extensive experience in this thrilling field. He uses advanced technology for surgery and gives efficacious instruction that aids patients recover quickly.

The Hair and Shape Clinic will be with the patient and assist him/her from surgery to recovery.

Disclaimer: Patients visible results and recovery time may vary from person to person.