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Breast Lift

What is a Breast Lift?

Breast lift is a process where a surgeon reshapes the breasts to give a stable and rounder look. In medical terms, Breast Lift surgery is known as Mastopexy.

Mastopexy is a good solution for droop breasts, it is helpful for people whose breasts have altered due to pregnancy, weight loss, and breastfeeding.

The whole process of Breast Lift aims to enhance the outline of the breasts so that you will be more confident in the way you look.


Procedure for Breast Lift

Breast Lift procedures can be executed in various incision patterns and techniques. The suitable technique will be determined based on the following things:

  • Breast shape and size
  • Degree of breast sagging
  • Position and size of areolas
  • Quality of skin and the amount of extra skin

Here is the procedure for Breast Lift

  1. Initially, discussing plans with the patients and marking will be made on the area of surgery. A combined decision will be made before the surgery.
  2. Photographs will be taken of the specific area (patient’s identity will be not revealed)
  3. As per the patient’s comfort Anesthesia will be given. Subsequently, antibiotics and other medicines will be given for a smooth procedure, and to reduce pain & anxiety.
  4. The incision will be made around the areola according to your breast shape and size and on lower area of breast.
  5. Dr. Umang Kothari will reshape your breasts and make your areola look natural and youthful by removing excess breast skin and tightening skin envelope
  6. Later, the remaining skin will be tightening and the incision will be closed. Incision lines are permanent, but in most cases breast tissues improves over the time.

Benefits of Breast Lift

A breast lift can do positive effects on your body. Here are the things you can expect from Breast Lift

  1. Augment fullness around your breasts
  2. Restore sagging breasts
  3. Gives an aesthetic curve
  4. Your breasts look younger
  5. Nipples are positioned higher

Easy Recovery after the Breast Lift Surgery

After the Breast Lift surgery, you can recover from it quickly but you should follow the instructions given by Dr. Umang Kotahri.
  1. Take medication
  2. Wear compression bras
  3. Eat healthy and light food
  4. Massage technique to recover smoother

Dr. Umang Kothari comprehends patient’s relevant aspects and analyses them properly. His meticulous methods assure fast and safe recovery from his procedures and treatments.

The Hair and Shape Clinic will be with the patient and assist her from surgery to recovery.

Disclaimer: Patients visible results and recovery time may vary from person to person.